Sunday, January 24, 2021

The #Sexy #Nerd #Review...The Girl with the Hazel Eyes... #Barbados #ComingofAge #Suspense #Storytelling

The Girl with the Hazel Eyes was a finalist in the JAAWP Caribbean Writer's Prize.

“A perfect read. ‘The Girl with the Hazel Eyes’ is well-written and compelling. Fans of The Thirteenth Tale will adore this book as well as those who love contemporary dramas. I give this novel 5/5 stars.” - Bekah’s Bookshelves.

Almost fifty years after Susan Taylor was exiled from Barbados for her famous whistle-blowing novel, ‘The Unspeakable Truth’, she contacts a young writer to pen her biography. Susan is crotchety and unpleasant but Lia Davis is broke so she has no choice but to stay after giving up her job to write Susan's biography. She has no idea why Susan would choose her, but there's more to Susan's story than meets the eye.

As Lia starts to unravel the reclusive author's life, she realizes that some things just don't add up. Susan has been hiding a massive secret for decades and Lia is determined to find out what it is. The Girl with the Hazel Eyes is an endearing novel that tugs at your heart with its examination of love, lies, and loyalty. 

The  Sexy Nerd's Review

Every now and again you run across one of those books that touches your soul so deeply that you forget it was a story you just read. I personally feel like I lived the lives of Susan Taylor and Cordelia ‘Lia’ Davis. What a beautiful poignant story to have experienced! 

When Lia sets foot on Susan Taylor’s doorsteps, she was totally overwhelmed and excited at the same time. She was given an opportunity of a lifetime—to write the biography of Ms. Taylor. Susan Taylor was originally from Barbados now living in Miami, Florida. Due to Susan’s wicked writing skills, she was forced to flee her beautiful country and go into hiding. Hmm, hiding from what? Well, for starters Susan Taylor was hiding and dare I say it, running from her past. But that was all about to change when she decided she wanted to have her biography written. 

When Lia and Susan first get together to discuss the mapping out of Susan’s biography, immediately Lia is met with resistance. And not only resistance, but a healthy dose of rude and insensitive behavior. Lia was beginning to think the older woman sitting across from her with the gorgeous hazel eyes wasn’t worth taking money from to write her story. But, as Lia learned the many shades and moods of Susan, she was glad she stuck it out. Nerds, this is where the story bends between Susan’s past in the 60's and her present with Lia in 2015. 

When I tell you this was an amazing story, that’s truly an understatement! Browning commanded the reader to take notice of her richly crafted characters. I want to tell you so much more, but to do so would give the story away and you already know how I feel about spoilers!  If it weren’t for this pandemic, I’d love to hop on a plane and head to Barbados right now. I could see the country so vividly and the story that Susan begins to tell the reader is an incredible one of family, friendship, political ties, greed and murder. I could not get enough of Susan’s and Lia’s stories and how they mirrored one another and yet were different. This story will stick with me like my all-time favorite by Sue Monk Kidd’s Secret Life of Bees. Oh my, what a wonderful read! This story just puts me in a good mood! 

Needless to say, the Sexy Nerd gives The Girl with the Hazel Eyes five more pair of hazel eyes. Nerds, you will not go wrong with this story. Once you get into the flow of these characters, you will be up all night until you realize you’ve finished it. Damn! I was so sad when it ended. I could have lived in these characters’ lives forever. An outstanding read! I highly recommend you download this book and get to reading! Until next time, Nerds, open a book and get mind blown! 

Open a Book and Get Mind Blown!

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