Wednesday, July 31, 2024

#NewBlogPost...Newton's First...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #NewtonsFirst #StephanieBurke #AreanaSenoj #Cyberpunk @SexyNerdRevue

A Cyberpunk Novel

Motherboards & Magic, Book 1

 Cyberpunk / Science Fiction

Date Published: August 2, 2024


Newton’s First Law: An object in motion remains in motion. Until an outside force screws it all up.

As a grieving child in a burned-out husk of a body, Asher Syphamus was given an impersonal room within the Company’s cold labs -- until he was offered a second chance with illegal and painful cybernetic augmentations. Now, after many decades of martial arts training and mental conditioning, Ash is the all powerful DPL’s top agent and never misses a target. Along with his beautiful, hyper-sexed purple partner, Vers, the unstoppable duo hunts down the most dangerous hackers and criminals for punishment or elimination.

Korya Funo is full of privileged DPL information downloaded into her brain. If caught, she would be deleted from the census. That keeps her running -- until her luck runs out in Paradise, Nevada. When she’s captured by Ash and Vers, Korya accidentally reveals the truth about Asher’s parents’ deaths, and then all hell breaks loose.

Now with all their lives on the line and the fate of the planet riding on their backs, they trio will show the world why Newton’s First Law is not to be screwed with.


Copyright ©2024 Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj

“Fuck, Vers. Where are you?” Asher Syphamus muttered softly, knowing the cochlear implant installed just above his jaw bone and below his ear would pick up his words.

The wind whipped back the few tendrils of hair that escaped the tight bun containing his long hair. The bun hid locks tipped a rich blue almost matching the color of his cybernetic left eye.

As he walked away from the Virt Dive, the virtual reality diving bar where his mark had been lost earlier in the Blue, he wondered why people even bothered to hide from real life. The fucking Blue was where everyone logged in, turned on, and turned up in cyberspace. The Blue was a whole world inside the actual world, one that many used to escape life, spread joy, disappear into a sea of information, of education… to be your avatar while you fled your body and got lost in a way that only total computer immersion could bring. And above the Blue was the White.

The White was a shady, dangerous place where only the most experienced divers dared to venture -- the environment was just too dangerous for a diver used to only dealing with the Blue. The White was physically a small blank plane existing between the connection of the Blue and the person putting out information. Here, the world’s best hackers snatched dangerous information from accidental info dumps from those who purposefully stole and sold the data to the highest bidder. No matter how many protocols were put in place to protect the vulnerable space, the White divers always found a way in. And his latest ping had come from the mark he’d finally tracked down to this dive.

He felt the signal he was tracking start to move again and watched as his target slipped out, looking over her shoulder as if she knew he was there and following her. As he walked past the large, mirrored wall to the shop, he caught a quick glimpse of himself as he passed. His face was pale, creamy tan, the same as his mother’s. He had her eyes too, large but with an epicanthic fold that proclaimed his Asian ancestry. His eyebrows had some thickness but with a natural arch that made his eyes rather pretty. He had his African father’s full lips, though not the same concentration of melanin, more’s the pity. He could use more sun protection in this bright-assed desert. His nose was broad though, its bridge straight as a knife, and his cheekbones were high and sharp, like his dad’s. His thick, wavy hair was kept long and confined now so it wouldn’t get in his way.

Though he only caught a glimpse of himself as he followed after his mark, he could barely stand to look at his reflection. He was a damn near perfect combination of both his parents from what he could recall, though he didn’t dwell on that much. The pain of it all was still too crushing.

The air circulating through his lungs was quiet as he pulled in his emotions. Barely a sound emerged from his body as his booted feet slammed down on the concrete when his body lurched forward. His little trip into nostalgia had given his mark time to run and now he had to give chase.

His heart would be racing if it actually had the capacity to pump hot blood through his veins. His target was pulling a jackrabbit, dodging in between early morning foot traffic on the busy city street as she looked around her, prey knowing she was being stalked by an apex predator. Only the bright and very visible green of her plaits kept him from moving any faster. No matter how much he wanted to knock people aside to reach his target, he knew that drawing more attention to himself would be detrimental to their mission.

“I’ve been at this since the ass crack of dawn and I would really like to get some accurate intel from you, you one-being orgy.”

Don’t get cheeky, Vers responded. You’re just upset you don’t get laid.

Vers’ answer through Asher’s implanted microphone sounded more amused than insulted. That wasn’t what Asher had hoped for. When Vers was annoyed, his work efficiency increased by almost three percent and he could use some of that efficiency now, at least until he caught up with the woman who pinged on his internal sensors.

“Hmph,” Asher huffed. “Can you keep your mind out of your pants and on the job? I need to know if she’s the one.”

The green-haired woman in question cast one more furtive look over her shoulder before trying to hide herself in a gaggle of schoolchildren, all racing and gleefully dodging through the streets teeming with people traveling to get to their jobs and appointments in the watery light of a new sun. With their connection pads in hand, the tourist masses were an explosion of color, a flock of bright, chattering birds that raced through the smiling crowds. Their laughter was contagious, and it made Asher grit his teeth. In a firefight, mundanes always seemed to run right in the path of danger. He wished they would all just disappear.

I’m working on it. Give me a mo. Paradaise has a complicated network of --

“You just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.” Asher managed to dodge several children, keeping one eye on the green of his mark’s hair as she ducked around a corner. He was closing in.

He moved faster, desperate not to lose her or give his position away. She couldn’t know if he was actually chasing her and he wanted to stay in that pocket of the unknown. She might sense someone or something was hot on her tail, but she had no idea from which direction the attack would come. And it wasn’t like there were a lot of places to hide in Paradaise, Nevada.

And then he wanted to smack himself stupid for thinking that a woman who could possibly be the government hacker he was sent out to find wouldn’t be wily enough to actually give him the slip. Underestimation was going to cost him dearly because the moment he turned the corner, he lost sight of her in a sea of green, low-flying kites.

Hey buddy, guess what? Did you know there’s a butterfly kite flying festival today? There’s gonna be a lot of kids and old people so maybe you wanna keep an eye out for that.

“Gee, thanks, Vers. You couldn’t fucking tell me that five minutes earlier?” As he spoke, he heard a cheer, and a wall of sound rushed past him as the hum of several hundred robotic and some basic silk cloth kites took to the sky. People looked up in awe as dancing holograms of colorful transparent butterflies took to the sky, spinning and dancing as safe holographic fireworks exploded over them.

Well, it’s a point of historical interest, as they’ve been having the butterfly festival for over a hundred years. Get some culture, you asshole. You need it more than you need to get laid.

“What I need is a way around this mess.” Asher looked around at the mass of people, made up mostly of children and old people gathered in groups, each holding massive butterfly kites of their own. Some held remotes that controlled the flight of the butterfly kites, both real and illusory. Most of them, unfortunately, glittered and glowed the same primarily green color that matched his mark’s hair.

Pinging your location, Vers purred in his ear after a moment of quiet while more and more people filed onto the special moving sidewalk heading toward the restored MGM Grand, singing and chanting as they moved. Oh! You aren’t far from the New Bellagio. One of these days I’m going to get you there for a real upgrade instead of the crap the powers that be keep sending you to.

“Vers --”

I mean it. You’re in a town right outside of Vegas, baby! Almost to the cybernetic playground of the whole entire continent ever since the redesign of the area. To get anything better you’d have to hop a streaker across the Pacific to Japan. It’s amazing what they can do with both artistry and circuitry.

“Whatever the fuck,” Asher grumbled, casting his gaze around. He ignored the small vibration in his brain as the ocular implant adjusted and repositioned, sending his mind a feed of information calculating the height of the buildings and the large vehicles passing by.

Turning to a small three-story building to his right, Asher took three fast, bounding steps then flexed his leg muscles. With a mechanical whisper, he launched himself skywards, a blurred silver flash through the backdrop of colorful fluttering kites, before he landed on the flat solar tiles of the roof.

Bent over, he raced along the edges of the closely placed buildings, jumping the odd ones that bordered on alleys, leaping up to the higher ones, his eyes constantly searching, feeding him data so he could adjust his flight.

He was contemplating going back to the ground and following her along the crowded streets when he saw a blur of green headed away from the celebration and toward a small, dark street that led away from the sound of laughter and merriment.

There, in between a closed toy shop on one side and ironically, an adult toy shop, was where his prey was fleeing. To the left, Casanova, Vers confirmed softly with the just the right amount of sarcasm for the nickname. And you better move swiftly. She’s about to head to a parking lot and if she has her vehicle shielded, well, we are shit out of luck, Ash. If she gets away, you’d be better off hitting a pleasure palace and getting your freak on ‘cause that signal is going to be scattered and lost. And I urge you to take advantage of the many wonderful and erotic amenities that this run-down trash heap of a city provides. Besides, your cherry needs plucking ‘cause that bitch is overripe.


About the Authors. . .

Stephanie Burke is a USA Today Best Selling, multi published, multi award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife and mother of two.

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused elemental Fey and homo-erotic mysteries, all the way to pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do more.

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts, an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice.

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Areana Senoj is a multi-genre writer of erotic romance, paranormal, and sci-fi fantasy fiction. She’s been an actress, singer, dancer, educator, and, briefly, a stay-at-home “tennis, soccer, and band mom,” as well as a small business entrepreneur. Now she’s enjoying a new career living life as a full-time writer. She’s thrilled to join Changeling Press, where she's teamed up with USA Today Best Selling Author Stephanie Burke, co-authoring Motherboards and Magic.

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Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday...Oldest Mom on the Playground...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #OldestMomonthePlayground #JudyHaveson #Nonfiction


Essays & Collections, Parenting Humor, Women's Non-fiction

Date Published: 09-24-2024


Judy Haveson always believed she would one day “have it all.” Then she turned forty and wondered if she had waited too long. After countless failed first dates and fewer second ones, she finally found love, got married, and became a mother at forty-three.

Oldest Mom on the Playground is a collection of relatable, heartwarming, and humorous essays. Written in her signature conversational style and with a touch of sarcasm, Judy takes readers on her journey of getting pregnant after forty (and delivering the baby during a full moon), raising a child in New York City (including the time she lost him in a grocery store and found him standing on Broadway), leaving the career she spent decades building to volunteer as a preschool class rep, to becoming a card-carrying member of the sandwich generation.

Judy offers no parenting advice, only personal reflection. And she takes nothing in her life for granted. Her message to other midlife mamas is this: trust your gut, let your life experience guide you, and pray no one ever mistakes you for the grandmother.

About the Author. . .

Judy Haveson is the award-winning author of Laugh Cry Rewind—A Memoir. She is known for her sarcastic humor and enjoys sharing stories about her life experiences and observations. Her fascination with storytelling comes from her decades-long career in public relations. Judy once had a boss tell her that there are two types of people: those who know and those who want to know. That boss fired her, but his words became a valuable lesson to always aim to be the one who knows. Judy lives in Hampton Bays, NY, with her husband, Adam, son, Jack, and adorable Yorkie, Toby.


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Sunday, July 28, 2024

#BookReview...The Law of Karma...#PamelaSamuelsYoung #Mystery #Legal #Drama #Romance #Murdery #Mayhem @SexyNerdRevue


The award-winning author of Anybody's Daughter is back with a captivating read that is part thriller, part romantic suspense. Miles Slade is a morally compromised lawyer who is burdened by a shocking secret. When he falls hard for a married woman, he works hard to hide his deception. When a shocking murder happens, both Miles and his lover find themselves in the crosshairs of police.

The Sexy Nerd's Review. . .

My girl, Pamela Samuels Young, has done it again! I stumbled across her latest by total accident. Here I was thinking I had read all her legal novels, until this one popped out before my very eyes. What a happy surprise!!

Miles Slade was a starving lawyer trying to make his way in the legal world. Although he was successful sometimes, it was hard to pay the bills and get clients to keep him going. When you factor in he had a very ill sister who was like a mother to him dying, he wasn’t sure which way was up and how he’d plan to live the rest of his life without his big sis to help him through.

The hospital was threatening to throw her out, even though they understood the serious nature Miles’ sister was in, he had to come up with a ton of money to put his sister in a permanent facility that specialized in taking care of her. It was the least he could do since she was always there for him when they were growing up. Miles had a horrible dilemma. How was he supposed to pay for his sister’s mountain of medical debt and still survive too?

As luck would have it, a friend of Miles had reached out to him in the past about doing a side hustle. Miles had turned his friend down many times before, but given his grave circumstances, he needed to, at least, entertain whatever his friend had to say. Miles gave Carlos a call and they had a conversation.

When Miles learned what he was required to do, even though he was repulsed, his sister’s medical debt played in his mind like a movie reel. He had no choice but to sign up and make his paper. While Miles was attending the country club, which came as a perk with his newfound side hustle, he ran into one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Her name was Nicole. They struck up a conversation and Miles was taken by Nicole’s beauty and her nature. They were vibin' and hit it off and all he wanted to do was be with this woman for the rest of his life. Problem was she was married.

Even though they both knew they shouldn’t be together, cupid had other ideas. Soon they were meeting at the club all the time. That is, until one night they hung out, Nicole was confronted by the police to inform her, her husband had been murdered. Hot damn! We got a legal drama in the midst! Yasss! Of course, readers, you must read the novel to find out the rest.

Wow! PSY never lets me down—not ever! This woman can write. She always places her readers front and center. There’s never a dull moment and she keeps the story flowing. You want to keep reading to find out what it going to happen next. I’m happy to say I figured some of the story out, but surprisingly, she managed to throw a little curve ball in there. Overall, this was a damn good story. I gobbled it up entirely too fast, but I do this was all PSY’s books.

The Sexy Nerd gives The Law of Karma five more scenarios to throw readers off the scent. I would love to know why Hollywood hasn’t made any of her books into movies? Hell, Tyler Perry could commission one of her books and turn it into something great. I hope I’ve spoken a great combination into existence. This is a quick read and one you’re going to definitely enjoy.

Until next time, Nerds, you know how we get down!

Open a Book and Get Mind Blown!


Friday, July 26, 2024

#NewBlogPost...Sin...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #SINDeathRidersMC #BethDCarter #MCRomance @SexyNerdRevue

Death Riders MC

MC Romance

Date Published: 07-23-1124

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Adira Dobias thought she had the perfect life along with a perfect fiancé. When she discovers her supposedly pious parents aren’t the God-fearing people she thought them to be, it sends her running. She arrives in Cardinal, at the home of a childhood friend, in order to figure out where to go next.

When she applies for a job at a strip club, owned by the Death Riders, Ares hires her on the spot. He thinks she is the woman he and Hunter have been searching for. The perfect woman to belong to both of them.

It was only supposed to be fun, but somewhere along the way, Adira’s heart got entangled. When a misunderstanding leads to disaster, the two men have to work fast so they don’t lose the woman they’ve fallen for.


For everyone who has enjoyed the Death Riders stories. This one may not have a paranormal twist, but I hope you like it anyway.


As he cleaned up the interview table the door opened and a young woman entered, hovering in the doorway. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back. Big blue eyes looked around, wide-eyed and innocent. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, and had no make-up on her face. And she didn’t need it because she was fucking gorgeous. His dick also noticed, very interested in what she was doing here.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“I…um, well, I was here to apply for the job.”

Her voice was soft. Melodic. He bet she’d scream beautifully with pleasure, and he wanted to be the one who gave it to her. Wanted her to cry out his name when she came. She looked like a fucking angel with a body made to sin. Narrow waist, long legs. Tits more than a handful. He really wanted to get her naked and under him.

“Certainly,” he said, smiling. Hoping to relax her. “I’m Ares. I own The Pussy Willow.”

She gave a self-conscious wave. “Nice to meet you. I’m Adira. Am I too late for an interview?”

He shook his head. “Not at all. How did you hear about the job?”

Her fair complexion flushed red. He didn’t remember ever seeing a woman blush before and it fascinated him.

“I was in a coffee shop and I eavesdropped on two women talking.”

That amused him. “All right.”

He strode closer, and the scent of warm spice hit him, making his mouth water, and he realized it was her. He licked his lips, wondering if she tasted like sugar, spice and everything nice. “Do you have any experience being a hostess?”

Disappointment dulled her eyes. “No. I don’t have a lot of work experience. I-I’m sorry for wasting your time.”

She turned to leave and he hurried to push the door closed, preventing her from disappearing. By doing that, however, brought him flush against her body, her back to his chest. The contact had his heart galloping and his cock going rock hard in an instant.

“Don’t go,” he murmured softly. A little tremor rolled through her body and he hoped to fucking God it was because she felt what he was feeling. “I don’t care if you don’t know how to greet customers. I can teach you everything you need to know.”

About the Author. . .

I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate high rollers. I try to write characters who aren't cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I strive to create characters who are complex and full of flaws. Heroes and heroines who find redemption through love.


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Thursday, July 18, 2024

#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...Second Chance Killer...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #SecondChanceKiller #BradleyCornish #Thriller @SexyNerdRevue

Christian Thriller

Date Published: Sep 13, 2023


You can't turn back time, but you CAN turn back to Christ!

Damon Faulkner is trapped in a nightmare he can't escape. A lifelong struggle with sleepwalking lands him in the middle of a murder investigation - and he's the main suspect. Despite having no memory of the crime, Damon fights for his life against a drunken detective determined to close his one-hundredth career case.

As Damon awaits trial, he discovers unsettling secrets about Jekyll Island's past and realizes he may have been set up. He must stay awake to clear his name before it's too late. But can he prove his innocence and reveal the truth about his sleepwalking? Damon discovers that when it comes to redemption, he can't turn back time, but he can turn back to faith in Christ in a thrilling, suspenseful quest to clear his name.

Second Chance Killer is a Faith-based thriller that combines the fast-paced action of a thriller with the immersive world-building of a mystery. It explores guilt, redemption, and the search for the truth.

Prepare yourself for a gripping journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final revelation.

About the Author. . .

Bradley Cornish is a freelance author and ghostwriter whose faith-based works seek to thrill and inspire all audiences. A brain tumor survivor, Cornish’s mindful writing continued to connect him to audiences as he battled to regain his speech.


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...What We Wished For...#Memoir #Adoption @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue


An Adoption Story


Date Published: October 22, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

A twin herself, Lisa Crawford Watson believes she has the insight needed to mother twins. Mounting obstacles impede the adoption process, and she examines whether such setbacks are signs that she shouldn’t adopt. But when identical twin infant sisters in need of a permanent, stable home come into her life, she falls in love with them and knows what she must do.

Adopting premature twin girls who were born drug- and alcohol-addicted, and jostled, separately, from foster home to foster home, creates one hardship after another. Lisa quickly learns that raising children is a feat of sacrifice and unpredictability, and caring for children born into trauma may be more difficult than she ever could have imagined. Over the years, the twins wreak havoc on every relationship within the family and on Lisa’s heart. Has adopting the girls caused more harm than good?

What We Wished For: An Adoption Story shares a woman’s quest to build a loving family. It is a tale of courage, perseverance, and what remains when things don’t go as imagined. This memoir speaks to anyone who has ever struggled with a life-altering decision, one from which there is no turning back.

About the Author. . .

A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Lisa Crawford Watson has published seven books and thousands of articles in local and national newspapers and magazines. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociolinguistics from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in education administration from California State University, Sacramento. She currently teaches communications, writing, and journalism at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Lisa lives with her husband in Carmel on the legendary Monterey Peninsula, where she focuses on fitness, family, and philanthropy. As a resident of the “Canine Capital of the Country,” Lisa has a devoted following for her weekly dog column, for which she has profiled more than seven-hundred furry friends.


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Sunday, July 14, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday #BookReview #Glass Houses #Netgalley #SciFi #Fantasy #AI @SexyNerdRevue

A masterful near future whodunit for fans of Glass Onion and Black Mirror; join a stranded start-up team led by a terrifyingly realistic charismatic billionaire, a deserted tropical island, and a mysterious AI-driven mansion--as the remaining members disappear one by one.

A group of employees and their CEO, celebrating the sale of their remarkable emotion-mapping-AI-alogorithm, crash onto a not-quite-deserted tropical island.

Luckily, those who survived have found a beautiful, fully-stocked private palace, with all the latest technological updates (though one without connection to the outside world). The house, however, has more secrets than anyone might have guessed, and much darker reason for having been built and left behind.

Kristin, the hyper-competent "human emotional support technician" (i.e., the eccentric boyish billionaire-CEO Sumpter's idea of an HR department) tries to keep her colleagues stable, throughout this new challange, but staying sane seems to be as much of a challange as staying alive. Being a "woman in technology" has always meant having to be smarter then anyone expects....and Kristin's survival skills are more impressive than anyone knows.

The Sexy Nerd's REview. . .

When I read the synopsis of this story, I was all too eager to find out what exactly was going on.

Our story starts off with a plane crash. Kristin awoke in a plane full of water. Where was she and what happened? A body floats by her and she’s confused as to what is happening. A voice rings out and a hand reaches for her. It’s her boss. He was so thankful that someone else survived. Unfortunately, one of her teammates wasn’t so lucky, but how many others made it?

They quickly take an assessment and discover many of them did survive and began checking the plane for whatever luggage and essentials they could use to survive. While they were doing that, they realized there was a huge house or some type of structure in the middle of the island they landed upon. What luck, right?

While Kristen and her team headed up to the abandoned house, it was soon discovered that the house seemed to come alive. How did this house get here? Who built it and what was it used for? Once the team figures out how to get inside, the house appeared to have a mind of its own. Some doors would open by themselves. Some of those doors could be opened by people. The house was fully stocked with food as if it knew they would be arriving there. But how could that be? They were in a random plane crash. How could they have possibly known they’d end up on this deserted island with a huge glass house in the center? Hmm?

Kristin knew something wasn’t quite right and when members of her team began to go missing, she was positive they had a serious situation on their hands. And that, readers, is where our story takes off. So, this story may sound interesting and even exciting, but unfortunately, it was lost on me. I couldn’t grasp this story no matter how much I tried. I think the disconnect for me came by the way the characters interacted and were setup. The dialogue between the characters didn’t quite mesh with the actions that were taking place. Normally, I’m not the type of reader who gets squeamish or bothered by profanity, but I found the use of it with some of the characters just totally unnecessary and uncalled for. I’m thinking why would anyone talk like that to one another on a very simple question someone may have asked?

The story had some interesting elements by way of electronics and science, but that’s where it ended for me. I couldn’t get into this story the way I would have liked, and I honestly can’t blame the author for this because her writing style was decent, but I think I got lost with the idea of what I thought this story was going to be and it turned out to be something else which was a bit disappointing.

The Sexy Nerd gives Glass Houses three stones to throw. At the end of the day, all stories aren't for everyone and this just happened to be one of them. Was this a bad read? Absolutely not, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Glass Houses goes on sale Tues., August 13, 2024 at your favorite book retailers or wherever books are sold. Make sure you pick up your copy. Until next time, Nerds, you know how we do!

Open a Book and Get Mind Blown!


Friday, July 12, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday #BookBlitz...Let Milo Open the Door...#NA #Fiction #General @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue

New Adult Fiction / General Fiction


It’s 1989, and the doors Milo thought would open after college are all closed. Dumped by his girlfriend and deserted by his father, he washes up on the shores of Nantucket, where his transformation begins.

Milo outsmarts a preachy painter to earn the contract at the Our Island Home, a rest home where those at death’s door teach him how to knock on others. He also earns the affection of Julia, the home’s laundress, who has her own challenges, including a distant husband, a fortieth birthday, and an illness she can’t fight alone.

Through a series of misadventures, Milo matures with the summer, averting rival painters, proud nudists, serious crunchers, and death-by-crucifix. At summer’s end, he is faced with a decision that will complete his transformation and point the way to new beginnings.

About the Author. . .

Tom Endyke is a Novelist and Music Journalist for Guitar & Pen Magazine. Tom infuses rock music's power and promise into his stories. His protagonists are outcasts, marginalized by society, who work their way through dark, edgy, and absurd scenarios.

Tom earned a degree in creative writing from MCLA. He lives with his wife and two kids in West Newbury, Massachusetts.


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Thursday, July 11, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday #BookBlitz...To Find a Killer...#Murder #Mystery @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue

 A Natural State Murder Mystery, Book 1

Murder Mystery

Date to be Published: 10-04-2024


When Atlanta Detective, Tammy Sharp's past collides with her present, it's a wild ride of bullets, broken hearts, and chilling mysteries.

In her hometown of Pocahontas, Arkansas, she faces not just her ex, Jace Eubanks, but also a dangerous killer on the prowl.

With murders old and new intertwining, Tammy faces a choice: team up with her ex or let justice slip away.

As the clock ticks down to a sinister ultimatum, will Tammy outsmart the sociopath or fall prey to a deadly game of cat and mouse?

 About the Author. . .

Leah Brewer writes all kinds of things.

Sometimes, she writes Christian Fiction (Seeds of Faith Series). Other times it’s Historical Fiction (Petunia 1949). Right now, it’s all about murder. The first novel in her Natural State Murder Mystery series, To Find a Killer, is set to release this October.

In 2019, after an Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, Leah decided to pursue her passion for writing. Being cancer-free, she now revels in her life as an author.

With an extensive 28-year career that encompasses diverse leadership roles in a Fortune 500 company, Leah brings an authentic perspective to her storytelling.

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Facebook: @writingleahbrewer

Twitter: @leahlbrewerr


Instagram: @writingleahbrewer

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...Prendarian Chronicles...#SciFi #Futuristic #Women #Fiction @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue

A Sci-Fi Futuristic Women’s Fiction

Date Published: July 12, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press LLC

 Two worlds hang in the balance. Two love affairs will change both societies. Forever.

For the Love of Rigah -- Rigah, the most powerful woman on the world of Prendara, has purchased a handsome Earther slave to serve as her consort. Jason vows to resist and refuses to accept his role as Rigah’s personal whore. But he can’t fight the passion she demands from him… or the need to demand much more than passion from her. More than she may be willing to give.

For the Heart of Daria -- A human who’s lived under alien domination for her entire life, Daria vows to rid Earth of the evil invaders no matter what the cost -- even if it means seducing a powerful alien sympathizer. But Gray isn’t the monster she wants him to be. Yet despite the passion he forces her to feel, nothing will ever convince her to trust him.

About the Author. . .

Gemma Woods has no spouse, no children, and no pets. Her family is imaginary -- she writes them. Outside her imaginary world, she enjoys the typical author hobbies of reading, traveling, and fretting over her dying houseplants.

 Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday. . .Shaloha Gems...#BookBlitz #HF #Romantic #Comedy @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue

Humorous Fiction/Romantic Comedy/Historical Fiction/Jewish Fiction

Date Published: July 9th, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

Abe Goldstein’s life is speeding downhill faster than a Coney Island roller coaster.

His Manhattan diamond company is on life support. Crime is so bad that muggers are mugging other muggers. And his overbearing mother has gone behind his back and posted his profile on a Jewish dating site. Now, Abe’s phone is blowing up with messages from women who want to marry him.

At the advice of his accountant, Abe flees to Honolulu and cuts a deal with an Okinawan family to buy their diamond ring business. The owner’s beautiful daughter Kiyoko stays on as a consultant, and Abe finds himself falling hard for her.

But there’s trouble in paradise. Abe’s meddlesome mother hires an unscrupulous matchmaker to break the pair up and find a nice Jewish girl for him instead. To make matters worse, a rival diamond firm connected to Japanese organized crime is bent on destroying Abe’s fledgling business, Shaloha Gems.

As Abe navigates the twists and turns of his unconventional island life, everything he values is in jeopardy. He may be willing to damage his relationship with his mother to preserve his romantic relationship. But will he crumble under the pressure if he loses his reputation and his budding diamond empire too? Or will a discovery that leads back to the darkest days of World War II open an unexpected door to a brighter future?

 About the Author. . .

Born and raised in New Jersey, Terry Chodosh earned his MS in criminology from Florida State University. Terry began his twenty-eight-year career with the United States Secret Service (USSS) in NYC and fulfilled assignments in the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Honolulu field offices as well as in the Gerald Ford protective detail.

While assigned to the Honolulu office, Terry traveled extensively in Asia, conducting complex financial crime investigations and providing executive protection for US government officials, including the president and vice president of the United States. After retirement, Terry wanted to tap into his humorous and creative side, which was often restrained throughout his career, so he began writing his novel Shaloha Gems.

Terry lives with his wife and son in Honolulu, Hawaii. He enjoys distance swimming in the ocean and outrigger canoe paddling, and he strives to stay one step ahead of skin cancer and tiger sharks.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...Laughing Is Forever #Poetry @RABTBookTours @SexyNerdRevue


Date Published: March 22, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media

Laughing is Forever is my second book. And while it’s gritty, rhythmic, dark and dangerous it’s also fun, quirky, and inquisitive. Topics range from growing up in the Deep South to questioning the mainstream narrative of how it all . . . came to be. I want people who don’t read much and who hate poetry (the largest demographic) to give this collection a chance and fall in love with books by reading something that they can relate to and/or be awed by. Laughing is Forever is a standalone book, a brand-new beast, but follows in the footsteps of Blameforest in the sense that it’s reinventing what poetry can be. And hopefully inspiring folks to take risks with their own work and stand out from the maddening crowd.

 Reviews for Laughing is Forever

 "These are the kind of tattered, beautiful poems I often search for and rarely find-the ones that explain, 'Just be happy with a beer after work. You know, quit all the complaining. It won't change a single thing. It just prolongs the suffering.' "

-Sean Thomas Dougherty, author of Death Prefers the Minor Keys


"Stocks's writing has a powerful immediacy, and his poems are packed with both profanity and pop-culture references . . ."

-Kirkus Reviews


"This collection is brave, unflinching and hits you like a punch in the jaw. It is at times brutal and vicious but also tender and intelligent. I was reminded of early Eminem in the poignant anger of some of the poems."

-Sam Szanto, author of If No One Speaks

About the Author. . .

Jason Stocks is a writer and teacher living in south Florida. Before becoming a teacher, he worked in a chicken house, washed dishes, bagged groceries, waited tables, and sold cars. His first full-length poetry collection--Blameforest--was published in 2021 and was recently named a finalist in the 2024 American Legacy Book Awards for contemporary poetry. When not writing, he enjoys reading vintage YA horror, riding his Haro cruiser, and spending time with the family.


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