Thursday, May 30, 2024

#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...Rough Edges...#Adult #Contemporary #Romance @XpressoTours @SexyNerdRevue

Rough Edges
Elsa Jacobs

Publication date: April 25, 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Two teenage boys’ shared love for basketball brings their single parents together.

Laura Fields, a spirited head nurse, juggles the demands of her work life and the tough work of single motherhood. Her history with relationships isn’t great. But maybe the secret crush she has on a colleague will be different…

Bennett Keller, a ruggedly handsome supervisor at the local paper factory, sports inked skin that tells a tale of love, loss, and a vow to never love again.

So when their boys become fast friends on the court and off, the parents find themselves seeing a lot of each other. As Laura and Bennett’s lives entwine, they navigate the delicate balance of new love while honoring the memories that shaped them. In Meadows Creek, with its tranquil charm and supportive community, two people find themselves with a second chance at love. But will they take the risk of getting hurt again?

Get ready for a love story with a slam dunk!

Goodreads / Amazon


I wish I had a booty call on speed dial.

Amanda hummed, her bright pink lips shining in the low light, and her crystal blue eyes narrowed. “Want to go out and find a big dick to satisfy your craving?”

Emily gasped and dramatically fluttered her thick black lashes, but I burst out laughing. My best friend knew me inside and out. It had been years since I had any satisfying manly action. “I would even take a small, skillful one.” I giggled. “Or we could go shopping for something where I can choose the size.”

Amanda snorted. “Last time we went shopping, you bought a toy that made your pussy itch for weeks.”

“I’m cursed,” I breathed.

“You’re not cursed. One-night stands don’t agree with you; you need more. Someone you’ll see often, who can learn every intricate instruction of your body,” Emily said with a finger raised.

“Instruction of my body?” I gritted my teeth. “You make it sound like I’m a complicated spaceship that needs an engineer to operate.”

“You are,” Amanda stated.

“Fuck you, Mandy.”

“I would if I wasn’t married.” She laughed.

I snorted. Amanda and Nicole had had an on-and-off relationship since college. They had tied the knot after a decade of breaking up and reconciling. It was a joyous occasion to witness Amanda finally committing to Nicole after years of being scared to get married.

“Do you think I’m that complicated?”

The question slipped out of my mouth before I sealed my lips. Silence answered me, and damn it be, for shame rose in my gut. I missed having a man the most during those times, my horny times. Since my husband’s death, I hadn’t found a man who brought me to climax.

Not a single one.

Even though I was open and communicative in the bedroom, I seemed to lack something… or had too much of it? I didn’t see myself as hard to please, but maybe I was wrong.

“Babe, it’s not like that,” Amanda responded, but I didn’t believe her.

Shame poured over me like acid rain, and I choked back a sob.

I was complicated.

“Want to go out somewhere new and exciting?” Emily suggested, her radiant smile coating my discomfort with sweetness.

“I heard about a place in Albany called The Sultry Lounge where one might stumble across a DTF gentleman,” Amanda added.

I sighed and weaved my fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

I’ll have to go to his place, though. “Okay. Let’s find me some spice for tonight!” I blurted.

Looking at myself in the tiny mirror of my compact, I brushed my hair, put on some glossy lipstick, added a touch of mascara, and smiled. I might be as complicated as a spaceship, but I was a damn fine one. A flirty kiss to my reflection later, we were on our way to The Sultry Lounge.

Author Bio:

I’m Elsa Jacobs, an indie author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense/thriller. I write unique love stories with a substantial amount of twists, turns, and spices.

Let me tell you how it all started. A few years back, I was battling brutal insomnia that just wouldn’t quit. Nights were a blur of characters and plots swirling around in my head, refusing to let me catch some shut-eye. It was maddening. Writing became my escape hatch—I had to get these stories out of my head.

In less than a year, I wrote four drafts, all because I needed an outlet for the chaos that was keeping me up at night. Publishing wasn’t even on my radar; I just needed some peace of mind. But then, something unexpected happened. I sent a chapter to an editor, not really expecting much to come of it.

But instead of a brush-off, I found myself teaming up with that editor to bring my first novel to life.

It was a game-changer. That’s when I decided to take the plunge and share the rest of my drafts, bit by bit, with the world.

My stories might have been born out of sleepless nights, but they’ve become my sanctuary, and I hope they become yours too.



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#NewBlogPost #CoverReveal...The Ocean Hugs Hard...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #theOceanHugsHard #EricAvedissian #Horror @SexyNerdRevue



Date Published: 06-24-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing

Surfside City, New Jersey. 1966. Cub reporter Harman Bass is cutting his teeth in the fast world of local journalism and getting out-scooped by the competition. Facetious, cocky, and always quoting Nietzsche, Harman isn’t making any friends both in and out of the newsroom.

All that changes when the daughter of a prominent family is found dead on the beach, handing Harman the juiciest news story of the year. But she wasn’t any old beauty pageant queen; she was his high school girlfriend. Harman’s dogged reporting into the young woman’s death reveals pushback from the authorities and pulls the newshound into the resort’s darkest corners.

After one of his sources is murdered, the routine story becomes dangerous and personal. Something watches Harman from the shadows, something ancient and hungry, worshipped by powerful men who kill to keep their secrets. Harman’s job and life are soon threatened, and the once brash reporter must battle his boss, rival journalists, and his own sanity before filing what could be his last story.

THE OCEAN HUGS HARD is a mystery with the salty whiff of the ocean, a tinge of nostalgia, and a dollop of mind-shattering eldritch horror.

About the Author. . .

ERIC AVEDISSIAN is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing, Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.


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Twitter: @angryreporter

Instagram: @ericavedissian

RABT Book Tours & PR


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

#OnTheBlogPost #BookBlitz...Chosen by the Fae King...#Adult #Fantasy #Romance @XpressoTours @SexyNerdRevue

Chosen by the Fae King
C.A. Worley

(Brides of Falcondale, #1)
Publication date: May 28, 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

In the fae Kingdom of Falcondale, Prince Nox ascends the throne under the ominous cloud of his father’s assassination. Beneath the veiled guise of enacting the bride trials, Nox, a brooding and often callous male, hopes to find much more than just a wife.

In an attempt to save her closest friend from the treacherous trials, Aeryn volunteers to take her place, hoping to save her friend from the clutches of the coldhearted king. Her impulsive act backfires and both females are thrown into the contest for the king’s hand.

Aeryn bucks against the archaic tradition—only to end up awakening an irresistible attraction between her untamed spirit and Nox’s enigmatic allure. As the boundaries of deception and desire are blurred, the pair must navigate the dangers together or fall prey to sinister forces that threaten not only their lives, but control of the kingdom.

While this story is not dark romance, it does contain elements of violence and mature situations some may find uncomfortable. Recommended for readers 18+.

Goodreads / Amazon


“I have nothing else to offer,” I told him.

“That’s not true. In fact, I know what I want and only you have it.”

Nox shifted closer, his arm behind me now. Not touching, but close.

I didn’t move. Could hardly breathe.

“If you don’t want my mouth on her body, then I’ll have it on yours instead.”

Muscles I didn’t know I had clenched between my legs. Butterflies flew around in my belly. My body was betraying me in the worst of ways.

“Just your mouth?” I checked.

Shit. Was I actually entertaining his smarmy request?

“Unless you ask for more.”

“And just kissing? On my mouth?”

The tilt of his lips was a wicked, wicked thing. “Again, unless you ask for more.”

“Fine,” I agreed, closing my eyes. “Get it over with.”

“I have to say, this is a first for me,” Nox mused.


“You’ve not bargained for mouth-only kisses?” he jested.

My eyes popped open. “No. I’ve never had to bargain with my body to get something I want.”

Nox stilled, something feral stared out at me from deep within his eyes, a beast coming to life in his psyche. It called to the wildness inside me, the untamed voice I’d always kept buried deep.

Uh oh.

“Spread your legs, Aeryn.” His pitch fell so low I felt it vibrate across my skin.

Alarm bells went off in my mind. “But—”

“I agreed not to go beyond a kiss. Now spread your fucking legs.”

Tentatively I pulled my knees wider. The skirt of the dress shifted, fabric dropping between my legs like it was making room for the king.

Nox lowered to the floor, kneeling between my legs. Bending his face to just inches above the juncture of my thighs, he inhaled deeply.

Goosebumps broke out across my skin.

A low rumble echoed from his chest as his spine straightened, his face closing in on mine. The king’s hands landed on the back of the couch, on either side of my head.

Unable to look away, I watched his mouth descend. Soft and oh so gentle, his lips brushed mine. Electricity sparked between our flesh. I gasped and his tongue probed carefully. My abdominals tightened, breasts turned heavy.

Then he was gone. Confused, I looked up and found him twenty feet across the room.

Nox waved a dismissive hand. “Go,” he ordered, “and pray I’m in a forgiving mood when next we meet.”

I sat there in stunned silence, face burning.

“Sofiya is safe from me. Now get out.”

I stared at him for a long moment before standing and stalking from the room.

Author Bio:

C.A. Worley is the alter-ego of Romance Author Cass Alexander. Where Cass tends to focus on humor in her publications, C.A. loves to write fantasy. She chose to write under the two different monikers so as to not confuse (or tick off) her readers.

C.A. currently resides in the Midwest, but was born and raised in the South. She spends her days working from home and her evenings are spent shuttling her kids to and fro. Her dinners are subpar, but she makes a mean dessert.

When she's tired of living her sons' travel sports schedules, C.A. enjoys a glass (or four) of wine. She needs the liquid courage to click the publish button for her fantasy romance novels.

Her motto is, "Be Brave," and she tries to live it every day. It takes a healthy dose of courage to get through this thing we call life.

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#OnTheBlogToday #OnTour...The Immortal Coil Saga #Book 1...#Epic #Fantasy @SilverDaggerTours @SexyNerdRevue

We all want to live forever... until we don't.

The Gate

The Immortal Coil Saga Book 1

by Brandi Schonberg

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Amarynn, a legendary warrior who hates everything she's become, desperately wants her existence to end. But there's one problem with that. She's immortal.

She's also made a terrible mistake having given away the secrets of her immorality to Venalise Korr, a powerful mage capable of twisting that magic into something monstrous. Now Venalise has kidnapped Regealth, Amarynn's creator, and stolen the magical stone called The Gate – the key to everything immortal. Determined to right her wrongs, Amarynn enters into an uneasy partnership with the king's son.

Together, Amarynn and Jael risk everything to rescue both the mage and the stone. If their rescue fails, Venalise will have the power to create a league of immortal warriors just like Amarynn. With that power secured, the wars between kingdoms will never end. And if the wars continue, Amarynn loses the ending she seeks. Though now that she's gotten close to Prince Jael, she doesn't know if that's a bad thing after all.

Order a Signed Paperback or Limited Book Box direct from the Author’s Site!

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Brandi Schonberg has always written stories, but this is the first one she has completed. The Gate is her debut novel and the first title in The Immortal Coil Saga. A native Texan, she works as a middle school science instructional coach in San Antonio, Texas and has three grown children, a loving partner, and two exceptionally unusual cats.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

#NewBlogPost #OnTour...The White Raven #Book 3...#YA #UF @SilverDaggerTours @SexyNerdRevue


 Legacies meets Lost Girl in this fast-paced new urban fantasy trilogy. 

When the supernatural world decides to kick your ass... Smile and kick it right back.  

The Blade of Balance

The White Raven Book 3

by M.J. Moores

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy

No job. No alliance. No clue…

This isn’t about Dray finding herself anymore. This is war. Her BFF-Familiar is holding the fort at the club. Wolf Boy is in uber Nexus protection mode, and the drive-her-mentalist is tracking a missing dragon.

It’s time to go hunting… but seeking the essence required to jumpstart the Blade of Balance drops Dray squarely in everyone’s crosshairs. Really, nowhere better to be than on the brink of social annihilation behind enemy lines. Unfortunately, the key to unlocking the power of the Blade lies with Dray’s less-than-strategic ability to negotiate with severely unbalanced forces… and deciphering the meaning of the final riddle.

If Dray is only the Seeker… who, then, is the Wielder?


Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Blade of Balance today!


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The Soul Collector

The White Raven Book 2

It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No… it’s a murder-hornet!

Stuck in raven form after her run-in with the most insane wizard alive, Dray is content to focus on healing. But the djinn she negotiated help from has other plans. He sends a warning via stinger in mid-air, forcing Dray to shift before she’s ready. The hostile calling card parrots in her head as she plummets to the ground: Time’s up. Favour’s due.

Back on the asphalt, Dray barely has time to take a breath, or a step, before getting blasted by a second summons. She’s on the fae council’s radar, big time. No one else can root-out the maniac wizard who spliced her soul (Public Enemy No.1), so the council offers Dray a deal she can’t refuse. Being a high school outcast never prepared her for this kind of popularity contest.

Can she survive spying for the good guys while breaking the djinn (Public Enemy No.2) out of jail right under their noses?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of the second book in the White Raven series The Soul Collector today!
**On Sale for Only 1.99 May 27-31!!**

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The Hollow Kiss

The White Raven Book 1

Bloody Walls and Supernatural Espionage Were Not on the Final Exam

Graduation meant a whole new world away from the labels of outcast and freak, but a supernatural abduction leaves Corvina Dray with a hole in her memory and a deadly kiss.

Inexplicably drawn to a dark stranger in a back alley, Dray’s soul-sucking lip-lock lands her with a DB and the local PD on her trail. Then, a girl she doesn’t remember shows up out of nowhere and helps her dispose of the corpse.

Dray’s dead-body-bestie initiates her into an underground world with only one rule— expose the fae and suffer the consequences. But navigating this piranha-paradise to hunt down the maniac responsible for her transformation is likely to kill her… or worse.

Can Dray reverse the curse before she spends the rest of her life in an orange jumpsuit?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Hollow Kiss today!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

See What the Experts Are Saying

"It was so much fun watching Dray unravel the mysteries of her new world. MJ's fantasy was fresh, and the plot intriguing." ~ Auburn Tempest, author of the Chronicles of an Urban Druid series

"Hollow Kiss is a terrific first-in-series for an exiting new paranormal YA series. If you like found-family stories with rich magic systems and tons of action, you’ll love Hollow Kiss."
~ Kim McDougall, author of the Valkyrie Bestiary series

**On Sale for Only .99cents May 27-31!!**

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MJ Moores has dabbled in all things writing since the age of nine. With a minor in creative writing, a decade teaching high school English and Drama, and more than twenty full-length works of fiction under her belt, her seven years as a freelance editor can only be the cherry on top of a life surrounded by story and words. Lately, you can find her working at the library on the days she's not dealing with a flurry of words for her latest book.

MJ loves to write upper YA adventure in sci-fi, fantasy, and suspense. Her newest series, The White Raven, is a fast-paced urban fantasy with a strong female lead, and a hint of mystery. Imagine Legacies meets Lost Girl -- Hold your breath and dive into the adventure.

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#NewBlogPost #OnTour...Once Upon a Realm...#YA #Fairytale #Fantasy #SciFi #Dystopian @SilverDaggerTours @SexyNerdRevue

  Remixed Fairy Tales by Diverse Voices  

Once Upon a Realm

Remixed Fairy Tales by Diverse Voices

Genre: YA fairytale retellings set in fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopian worlds

with stories by K.R.S. McEntire, Montrez, Alicia Ellis, R.L. Medina, E.M. Lacey, Krystina Coles

A biracial teen is forced into a betrothal with an enigmatic lord. A Latina teen races to recover her stolen identity and escape a dark fae court. A Black teen with forbidden abilities rescues his lover from a dystopian regime.

In Once Upon A Realm, familiar fairy tales are reenvisioned and reborn as six authors from Black and/or Latina backgrounds create novella-length stories that transport readers to fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopian worlds. Each story shatters stereotypes and challenges traditional narratives, inviting readers to see themselves reflected in tales of adventure, magic, romance, and strength. Fans of The Lunar Chronicles, A Blade So Black, A Curse So Dark and Lonely, and Cinderella is Dead will fall in love with these fresh, fierce takes on fairy tales.

This collection includes:

Red in the Woods by K. R. S. McEntire, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood

Shadow and Song by Montrez, inspired by Peter Pan

Circuits and Nerve by Alicia Ellis, inspired by Hansel and Gretel

These Sapphire Walls by Krystina Coles, inspired by Bluebeard

A Bloodstained Sun by E. M. Lacey, inspired by Snow White

Waking Up by R. L. Medina, inspired by Sleeping Beauty

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** Check out the Release Giveaway here!**

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#NewBlogPost #BookBlitz...One Weekend in Venice...#Adult #Contemporary #Romance @XpressoTours @SexyNerdRevue

One Weekend in Venice
Christi Barth
(One Weekend, #1)

Publication date: May 24, 2024

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Cady Staunton and Jasper Holt have been best friends forever–and only friends, aside from one unexpected kiss in Vegas eight years ago. But everything changes during a destination wedding in Venice.

Their rock band may or may not be breaking up. Jasper is definitely hiding a secret from her. Actually, they’ve both always hidden their true desires for each other. They intended to keep it that way until circumstances–and another accidental kiss–lead them to take a leap.

They’ll use this weekend in Venice to test shifting from friendship to something…more. If it doesn’t work? They’ll go back to being best friends. Except…that never works. And there’s still the problem of Jasper’s big secret and what to do about their band. Will their friendship, let alone their attempt at love, even survive the weekend?

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have you ever seen us be romantic?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then why do you believe Jasper’s going to propose?” And—more to the point—why wasn’t Jasper busy shooting down this stupid rumor too?

Levi raised his arm before saying, “Because you’re single. Desperate.”

Nobody had asked for the answer to be crowdsourced. “That’s not—what? How do I give off desperate vibes?”

“You don’t.” Hudson awkwardly patted her shoulder. “Aside from I know you’re thirty.”

“Yes, but it isn’t 1930. God, Hudson, pull your head out of your chauvinistic, patriarchal ass.”

“And you made a promise. You two never go back on your word.”

Well. It was nice to be appreciated. Cady did take great pride in her reliability. It wasn’t sexy or exciting, but it kept their career moving in the right direction. It also meant that she was the go-to friend to fix any and everything.

Enough was enough. Jasper was a few steps ahead of her, making his way over the low, narrow stones of an arched bridge. All while he mimed a sword slicing through the air. She took the steps two at a time to catch up.

She tried, anyway.

The anorexically thin bootie heel slid between the cobblestones. That rolled her ankle. Cady plummeted sideways. As her body slid through nothingness, she remembered Jasper’s whole point about visiting this bridge.

No freaking guard rails.

Then the breath whooshed out of her as a strong arm banded her to a chest that might as well belong to a gargoyle as it was so hard. Instinctively, her hands clasped behind Jasper’s neck.

“Bella signorina,” he murmured. “You’ve got to be more careful.” He triumphed over gravity and brought her upright—but only for a second.

As soon as both of her feet were planted, he tipped her the other way into a deep, right-outta-the-movies dip, bracing the small of her back against his thigh. Jasper kissed her. Cady gasped, and his mouth stole the breath as it settled over hers.

It felt…intentional.

Unlike last time, they were both sober. No excuse to fall back on. Nothing to prove.

And yet…

The kiss kept going. They both sank into it. As if they were lovers who’d reunited after being parted for years. His tongue took the lead in swirling and tasting and thrusting.

She distinctly felt everywhere they touched. The soft edge of his hair against her thumbs. One breast against his rock-hard pec. The distinct bulge in his pants along her ribs.

That was for…because of her?

Cady’s eyes flew open. She immediately met Jasper’s unwavering stare and the heat in them that almost threw off sparks. No mistake. He definitely knew who he was kissing.

And yet…

The kiss still kept going. It got wetter. Hotter. Deeper. More passionate. All her nerve endings were on high alert to the heat of the May morning. The strength of Jasper’s thigh against her ass. A strong scent of the sea from the tidal saltwater of the lagoon with a chaser of gasoline from all the boats.

Mostly, though, she smelled Jasper. The lemon, sage, and mossy cologne he’d worn for as long as she’d known him. And she tasted the sweetness of the strawberry crostata they’d chased with espresso before leaving the hotel.

And…she felt desire—strip your clothes off at the front door levels of desire—roaring through her. This wasn’t a casual kiss to be laughed off. Cady wanted all of him. Naked. Over her.

All of Jasper.

All of her best friend.

Oh, shit. Her best friend. She was making out and on the verge of dry humping her best friend. In broad daylight. That had to fall under “Things That Labeled You an Ugly American.” A bad tourist.

Author Bio:

USA TODAY bestseller Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning. Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes contemporary romance. Christi lives in Maryland with her husband.


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Monday, May 27, 2024

#OnTheBlogToday #BookBlitz...City of Music...@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #DoctorMiserys #CityofMusic #NicCascino #Scifi Fantasy @SexyNerdRevue

Science Fiction/Fantasy


Can laughter save the mortal soul? Perhaps it can as a beauty-obsessed mad scientist becomes the cultural and political leader of a nation. Deceived by his pupil Doctor Praterius, Doctor and Mizzieri and Gelsomina are driven again to creating new realities facilitated by transformative music. Great innovations are on display; AI created propaganda such as the Mexican Robin Hood La Carambada, musically induced blockchains and introducing Crotox, a cryptocurrency based on the value of skin rejuvenators.

Musicians develop personal leitmotifs as they navigate between mundane and extraordinary worlds, from the forested hills of New York to the Italian mountaintop city of Ravello, to a neighborhood in Venice where the feeble-minded are barred from technologies created after 1980, and finally on a river journey through a South American rain forest, a world that becomes entirely transformed into music. Will music enable higher consciousness or bring about submission through mesmerization? Will it strengthen the conscience or assist Praterius in fulfilling her corrupt ambitions? Engaged in battles with dissonant harmonies and immoral regimes, these musicians will attempt to reconcile the paradoxes of human nature, proving music can indeed save the mortal soul.

 About the Author. . .

Nick Cascino is a media theorist, part-time musician and aspiring astrophysicist attempting to integrate knowledge across the realms of Quantum Physics, the creation myths of ancient cultures, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and the superintelligence embedded in progressive jazz, musicals and operas. He wrestles with the great paradoxes of human nature, how the fundamental building blocks of the soul create infinite blends of morality and depravity, and how we can reconcile these by revealing the unconscious through music. While he pursues an elusive apprenticeship with the great Neil deGrasse Tyson that would greatly improve his prospects, it's most likely that he will attain his astrophysicist credentials no earlier than 2039, in time for the Centennials of the 1939 World's Fair and the Wizard of Oz. He has however, developed a cutting edge concept called QUANTUM AROUSAL THEORY, central to the work of his main protagonist, Doctor Bruno Mizzieri. It's an artistic concept based on science, mythology, history and complex math equations. It's long-term objective is enabling the perception of simultaneous realities, but at a minimum it will make you the life at parties.

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#OnTheBlogToday #BookTour...Heart of Vallantine #Book 1...#SmallTown #Romantic #Comedy @SilverDaggerTours @SexyNerdRevue

With the gossip mill a-buzzin,’ how is she supposed to keep her cool amid all the southern Georgia heat?

In This Moment

Heart of Vallantine Book 1

by Kelly Moran

Genre: Small Town Romantic Comedy

Southern drawls & y'alls. Come fall in love in the Heart of Vallantine!

It’s been ten years since Rebecca Moore left idyllic small town Vallantine for the big city and even bigger dreams of becoming an award-winning journalist. Her career a puff of smoke in her wake, she returns home for her grandmother’s funeral, grieving and with her life at a standstill. But her two childhood besties have a plan to restore the historic library to its former glory and convert part of it into a bookstore. It seems like so long ago residents had named their trio the “Bookish Belles,” yet nothing cures troubles like good friends and a purpose. The problem is, she needs a job until the renovations are complete, and just her luck, the new editor of the local newspaper is a Yankee. He’s also sullen, sanctimonious, and sexy. And with the gossip mill a-buzzin,’ how is she supposed to keep her cool amid all the southern Georgia heat?

Graham Roberts hasn’t exactly acclimated to the south. Yet, he moved for a purpose, and there’s no reason why he can’t help an old friend with a favor by hiring someone who is more than qualified. They could work side-by-side without complications. Right? Wrong. Bless her heart, Rebecca is the feistiest female on two legs with an innate ability to crawl under his skin faster than a hot knife through butter. Not to mention, she’s gorgeous as all get-out. Beneath her sass, though, is a girl who’s striving for acceptance and love. He’s just not certain he’s the right man. Plus, she’s given no promises to stick around. Worse, he’s starting to think falling for her may not even be a conscious choice. The heart wants what the heart wants. And between all of Vallantine gunning for their ever-after and Rebecca’s alluring charm sucking him in—again…and again—what chance does a guy stand?

Fans of Sweet Magnolias by Sherryl Woods and Virgin River by Robyn Carr will enjoy Heart of Vallantine.

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Kelly Moran is an international bestselling author of enchanting ever-afters. She gets her ideas from everyone and everything around her and there's always a book playing out in her head. No one who knows her bats an eyelash when she talks to herself.

She is a RITA® Finalist, RONE Award-Winner, Catherine Award-Winner, Reader's Choice Finalist, Holt Medallion Finalist, Book Excellence Award Finalist, Amor Book Award-Winner, and landed on the "Must Read" & "10 Best Reads" lists in USA Today's Lifestyle section. She is a former Romance Writers of America® member, where she was an Award of Excellence Finalist. Her books have foreign translation rights in Germany (where she is a Spiegel Bestseller), France, the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, and the Netherlands. She also writes horror as Kelly Covic. In 2024, she founded her own publishing company for fiction called Rowan Prose Publishing.

Her interests include: scary movies, all kinds of art, driving others insane, and sleeping when she can. She is a closet coffee junkie and chocoholic. Tell no one. She's originally from Wisconsin, but she resides in South Carolina with her significant other, her three sons, their wily dogs, a bearded dragon, tree frogs, and their sassy cats. She loves hearing from her readers.

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#OnTheBlogToday #OnTour...Maw of Mayhem #MC #Book 3...#PNR @SilverDaggerTours @SexyNerdRevue

Curiosity might get this cat killed.


Maw of Mayhem MC Book 3

by AK Nevermore

Genre: Paranormal MC Romance

Grimdarke James’ problems have gone from bad to worse. Ousted from his MC and on the run, all he wants is to keep Kit safe while he sets things right. But calling in a favor drops more than trouble into his lap.

As he tries to salvage what’s left of the Maw of Mayhem, forces close in on them and tensions rise. New allies are found and old loyalties are put to the test. So is Grim’s relationship with Kit when someone from his past tries to come between them.

Kit doesn’t share and the threat to her position as Grim’s mate raises her hackles. With her heat triggered, she’s running on instinct and battle lines are drawn. Can Grim win back his MC, and prove he’s the man for her, or will he lose it all?

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Maw of Mayhem MC Book 2

So much for sanctuary.

Kit Parson doesn’t feel any safer than she was before she first stepped into the Maw of Mayhem, and things are going from bad to worse. Something big is definitely going down in the paranormal community… and inside Kit. Now that her inner beast has awoken, all it wants is out. The only thing Kit wants is Grim, but he’s got issues of his own.

Fingered for a crime he didn’t commit and injured by the witch’s spell, his cat Darke has control of their form. He doesn’t play well with others, and tensions with the crew are at an all-time high.

With the witches’ elite assassins on their trail, can Darke and the crew put aside their differences to keep Kit safe and get back to the MC? And as the clock ticks toward the vote with Grim’s reputation in shambles, will there be an MC to go back to?

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Maw of Mayhem MC Book 1

Out of options and on the run after her psychotic father’s released from prison, Kit Parson heads to the only place she might be safe from him, the Maw of Mayhem MC. The unexpected move buys her time, but also puts her at risk. Surrounded by shifters, her inner cat begs to be released, and after witnessing a brutal attack on her mother as a child, she refuses to let the monster out. Totally doable, provided no bodily fluids are ever exchanged.

That takes the MC’s hot-as-hell VP, Grimdarke James, officially off the table. Mourning the recent murder of the club’s alpha and struggling to control his inner cat, the tattooed Viking god is on thin ice. If he goes feral again, he’ll be put down. Which makes his cat’s insistence that Kit belongs to him problematic, upsetting the delicate balance of the MC’s internal politics, and the woman blackmailing Grim.

But when Kit’s father catches up with her, Grim has no choice but to trust his cat, and Kit can’t deny their chemistry. Can they hold on to each other when everything is trying to tear them apart? After a gruesome triple murder propels them deeper into the paranormal world, they find themselves with unlikely allies, even as their enemies threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.

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Get the Prequel story, The Maw of Mayhem FREE!

Get Bites of Mayhem FREE and check out outtakes, flashbacks and more reader extras!

AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.

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