Book Title: Cash: An MM Mafia Romance (Ruthless Daddies)
Author and Publisher: K.L. Hiers
Cover Artist: Charli Childs
Release Date: August 12, 2022
Genre: Contemporary MM Romance, Mafia Romance
Tropes: Interracial Couple, First Time Gay, Bad Boys Do It Better, Daddy Kink, Kidnapping, Bad Men Doing Bad Things
Themes: Food is love, learning to trust, sex first feelings later, daddy/boy
Heat Rating: 5 flames
Length: 90 000 words
It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.
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“Never met a guy that got me hard before.” Jules glanced over Brick appraisingly. “Well, except you.”
Brick couldn’t have heard that correctly. “Excuse me?”
“I’ve met some of the most fuckin’ fearless motherfuckers on the planet. Nothing makes these guys flinch, not a fuckin’ thing.” Jules paused to sip his drink, his dark eyes fixed on Brick’s. “And you…”
Brick’s face was instantly on fire from the intensity of Jules’s gaze, and he was hyperaware of how very close they were right now. He couldn’t stop glancing down at Jules’s mouth, fixated on a wet spot of liquor that he desperately wanted to taste.
“You’re just some fuckin’ translator. You’re just a regular guy, but you didn’t hesitate a fuckin’ second to point that gun at those assholes. I saw you fightin’ them before I got in there. You were gonna mess those fuckers up if they hadn’t pulled on you.” Jules grinned. “It was fuckin’ hot.”
“Yeah?” Brick leaned in, gravitating as closely as he dared to Jules. “And how many other guys have you tried to sell this shit to, huh? Oh, I’ve never ever been with any dudes before, but you are so way hot, please suck my dick.”
“Hey. I didn’t say nothin’ about suckin’ me.” Jules’s tongue flicked over his lips. “But if you wanna, I ain’t gonna stop you.”
“Who said I wanted to?” Brick fired back.
“Oh, baby boy.” Jules’s smile grew wicked. “You definitely wanna.”
“You sure about that?” Brick couldn’t believe this was happening now.
Flirting with Jules was somehow even more insane than having a gun pulled on him earlier tonight, especially since Jules was so eagerly flirting right back. The energy in the room was charged, hot, and Brick knew he was in deep trouble because the only thing on his mind was kissing this sexy gangster.
“Very sure.” Jules’s hand slid up Brick’s thigh to rest on his hip. “I know a pair of fuck-me eyes when I see ’em. You wanna suck Daddy’s dick, huh?”
“I think you’re just really into this Daddy thing,” Brick argued, seeking out Jules’s chest and rubbing over his thick pec. “You want some sweet little thing to roll over and call you Daddy while he blows you, huh?”
“Can that sweet little thing be you? ’Cause I’m startin’ to get into it.”
“I don’t know, Daddy,” Brick teased. “I still think this isn’t the first time you’ve pulled this.”
“It is.” Jules touched Brick’s cheek. “Ain’t ever had any guy get to my dick like this. You’re… pretty fuckin’ special.”
“And you’re not having any kind of weird identity crisis wanting a guy to blow you?”
“I’m very well adjusted.”
“It don’t matter. Like I told you before, when I want something, I go for it.” Jules’s lips hovered over Brick’s, and his breath was hot and smelled of spicy liquor as he whispered, “And right fuckin’ now, I want you.”
Brick’s brain imploded. He could not think clearly when Jules said shit like that, and touching Jules’s thick muscled chest was every bit as delicious as Brick had imagined. Moving fast wasn’t new to Brick—hell, once upon a time he’d been known to have some fun in the men’s room at the club when he couldn’t wait to get home.
But this was crazy, right?
Wanting to sleep with his attractive neighbor who was a dangerous gangster, had saved Brick’s life, and also apparently just decided that he wanted to sleep with Brick despite never having been with a man before?
Definitely crazy.
Like, all the planets in the solar system had aligned in full batshit formation just for tonight to ensure optimal levels of crazy.
“What if I say no?” Brick challenged.
“Mmm.” Jules hummed thoughtfully. “Then I get to be real disappointed for a lil’ bit while I think up some way to change your mind.”
“You think it’s gonna be that easy?”
“Trust me. Daddy Jules is very, very convincing.”
“Right.” Brick scoffed, his pulse rising to an eardrum-shattering level. He could deny it all he wanted to, but they both already knew what was about to happen. “Sure you are.”
Jules smiled, slid his fingers into Brick’s hair, and pulled him in for a deep kiss.

About the Author. . .

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