Sunday, February 2, 2025

#OnTheBlogToday #BookReview...Remi Bone...@WilliamLMyersJr #Legal #Thriller #Suspense


Single father Remi Bone knows that his daughter' s Ivy League education will cost an arm and a leg . . . or a few bodies

Remi Bone is a good guy. He' s a hardworking mechanic, a single father raising his late wife' s daughter, and now, he' s dying of heart failure. But his daughter Kayla was just admitted to the college of her dreams. How will she afford college with two dead parents?

Before he dies, Remi decides to stockpile as much money as possible for Kayla' s future. When a chance to participate in a lucrative gun-for-hire scheme arises, Remi, out of desperation, agrees to execute a hit on a shady Philadelphia drug dealer.

This becomes only the first of several murders Remi is hired for, and soon, Remi' s the most sought-after hitman in town— both by his clients and by the police. He leaves investigators little to work with, but ear witnesses identify him by the phrase he recites before each “ Tick tock says the clock, time' s up . . .” With the police catching on to the “ Tick Tock Killer,” Remi has to work quickly to earn enough money for Kayla' s school— all while ensuring he dies with a clean record. Tick tock.

Perfect for fans of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen

The Sexy Nerd's Review. . .

I love William L. Myers, Jr., Esq.'s novels. I’ve read all his books, this one now included, and I have to say, he did not let me down.

Remington Bohne (Bo-Nay) better known as Remi Bone was a regular smegular guy working as a grease mechanic and raising his daughter, Kayla, into a beautiful, well-rounded, intelligent black woman. Remi was a simple man. He didn’t need much, paid his bills on time, lived his life, grieved for his late wife and enjoyed watching Kayla grow up.

Kayla’s dream was to go to an Ivy League school, but as we all know, a college education is expensive. So, Remi wants to give his daughter the gift that will keep on giving and he was having an issue trying to come up with the money. And wouldn’t you know it, as luck would have it, Remi’s boss, Deke, came to him like a bright light shining from the Heavens. He has a job for Remi to do and wants to know if he’s all in.

Before Remi makes this decision, he’s thinking long and hard about his current health issues. Remi was given a death sentence and time was a ticking. His old heart wasn't what it used to be and was about to expire.  Before he dies, he wants to ensure that Kayla will be well provided for.

While sitting across from Deke, there was only one decision he could come to. Remi advised Deke he would do the murder-for-hire. It was a quick way to earn some money and be rid of some bad characters in the world. What on earth could possibly go wrong with this scheme?

Readers! Wow! I could not get enough of this story and it’s a quick one too. It works up fast and there are so many moving parts that when the story comes into focus, you sit back and smile at the sheer brilliance. Myers is such an exceptional legal writer. I truly love his writing style. He is awesome at putting the reader in the driver seat and I was so here for it. As usual, Myers, well, well done!  And that ending--Yasss!

The Sexy Nerd gives Remi Bone five more people to go after. If you’re looking for some excitement and one that will not take up much of your time to get into, this book is most definitely for you! I was so shocked when I found out he wrote this. I’m going to check his name again at the book retailers to make sure I haven’t missed any more. Until next time, Nerds, you know how we do!

Open a Book and Get Mind Blown!

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