The Mistfits Series, Book 1
Date Published: October 1, 2025
Publisher: Phenomenal One Press
Penelope Pawn had an addiction. She liked candy, sword-fighting shadows, and boys. Still, something was seriously wrong and she couldn’t put her finger on it. Being homeless wasn’t as bad for her as it was for most. She had a way of collecting kids that turned into family, like brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, every time another kid agreed to come with her to the hiding place she’d created, a rush of power would surge through her like she’d consumed a drug, sealed a deal, or done something wrong. There was one guy, though, who wouldn’t come. When Terek showed up at her doorstep, a place well hidden from most others, and demanded she heed his warning, it was the first time she feared an enemy's strength. Was he a challenge that could become her savior, revealing the truth of her past to her? Could this boy show her how to repair the fiber of the world she’d unknowingly ripped apart, causing a catastrophic end to the home she’d built for herself and the lost ones?
About the Author. . .
L.M. Preston, a native of Washington, DC. An avid reader, she loved to create poetry and short-stories as a young girl. She is an author, an engineer, a professor, a mother and a wife. Her passion for writing and helping others to see their potential through her stories and encouragement has been her life’s greatest adventures.She loves to write while on the porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion that encouraged her writing.
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